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Saving for college is not just for parents

Amid budget cuts in colleges across the country and the alarming amount of aggregated student debt over the past few years, college costs have become a heavier burden for every family with children. But while many talk of saving for college as part of being a parent, shouldn’t it also be a college-bound child’s responsibility? […]

25 Universities with Terrible Graduation Rates

If you’re a high school senior with graduation just around the corner, make sure you researched your college to know what you’re getting into. CBS Money Watch released an article last year with 25 state universities with the worst graduation rates. The noteworthy concern is that students start in school-take on student loans-and then do […]

College Graduates – Pay Attention!

The class of 2012 will graduate with more than two-thirds of students in debt of an average of $25,000 in student loans! According to a recent article by the Wall Street Journal, this student loan debt is in addition to the average of $4,000 in credit card debt. Whether you have a job lined up […]

Renting Textbooks Can Help Reduce College Costs

We all know that going to college can put a major strain on your finances. On top of tuition, housing, and meal plans, the cost for textbooks can be high. A new trend for students with textbooks is to rent instead of buy. Most likely you will not use your textbooks after the course is […]

Information for the Financially Young

We’ve been following a  pretty neat series running by NPR this week. It is  interesting, informative, and explains the problems young adults are having with their finances while attending college. Click here for the articles!

National Scholarship Month

Next week marks the first week in national scholarship month. The month of November is devoted to raising students’ awareness of possible means for financial aid that are not detrimental to the student’s financial wellbeing. This means being scholarships. National scholarship month is sponsored by The National Scholarship Providers Association (NSPA), which promotes student access […]

Take Advantage of the Summertime to Save on Education

Are you, or do you have, a college student that is trying to receive a degree but running out of funds to pay for education? Well, the summer is an optimal time to save money on an education. Summer classes are less than half the cost of fall or spring semester classes. Also, taking summer […]

Inexpensive Gift Ideas for Your Graduate

Receiving a graduation invitation in the mail should be an exciting time, not a time to stress about gifts and money. Just because you receive an invitation does not mean you are receiving an invite to spend a lot of money! Here are some great gift ideas for the frugal buyer that any recent grad […]

Don’t Buy Textbooks, Rent!

Now that we are beginning to settle in to the new semester, you are probably sure which books you do need and do not need to buy. Well, in fact, you don’t need to buy any books at all! is a great resource for renting books for classes. They even allow you to rent […]

Buying Used is Just as Good as New!

You don’t necessarily have to sacrifice quality to save money. An easy way to save some money is to buy used. For some reasons, there may be things you would want to buy new, like a computer for instance, but there are also many things that you can buy used and still get great quality! […]