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Smart spending

How to Keep Illness and Prescriptions From Plaguing Your Pocketbook

You can never anticipate an illness approaching, and with prescriptions and doctor visits, the price adds up! I know there have been many times that I have gotten up to three prescriptions filled over just one sinus infection. With no time to plan ahead and prepare, you may find yourself spending more money than you […]

Don’t Let Rising Gas Prices Get You Down

Everyone seems to be affected by the continuously rising price of gas. But are you like I am and pull into the first gas station you pass after your gas light comes on without regard to the cost? You may not realize it, but you could save a lot of money on gas if you put in the research before you pump.

Visit to get the lowest reported gas prices in your area before just driving up to any pump.

Coupons: Get Over it and Use Them!

If someone was to give you $10 or $20 extra a month, with no strings attached, would you take it? Why wouldn’t you? Well, I believe that not nearly enough people are taking advantage of the “free” money that stores and other organizations are giving away in the form of coupons. For some, it can […]

Be An Organized Shopper

Want to save on your grocery bill? Who doesn’t! And while clipping coupons are an obvious solution, some of us are not able to manage the process well. If you are coupon-challenged (as I am), consider these quick tips: · Try to grocery shop once a week – and on the same day each week. […]