Coupons: Get Over it and Use Them!

If someone was to give you $10 or $20 extra a month, with no strings attached, would you take it? Why wouldn’t you? Well, I believe that not nearly enough people are taking advantage of the “free” money that stores and other organizations are giving away in the form of coupons.

For some, it can be quite relaxing to get up early on a Sunday morning, get your newspaper, coffee and scissors and sit back and clip some savings for yourself or your family.

If you are not the coupon-clipping type, then there are several Web sites that you can go to for great coupons, offers and savings! Instead of the newspaper and coffee, you will need your laptop and your cup of joe! Here are some useful links to save money:

• For grocery coupons, go to and click instead of clip! There are printable coupons for a lot of name-brand goods.

• For the online shopping enthusiast, you can go to to get great money-saving coupons for brand-name items when you purchase them online.

• To get cash rebates when you shop for your favorite brands online, go to

Is there another Web site that you may know about for great savings? Any coupon tips that you may have? Post them below!


  1. dbt says: is a great website for coupons! They also have savings for restaurants and links to other coupon sites as well. Great resources!

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