DIY Halloween

With Halloween just around the corner, you don’t want to be scrambling for a costume or worse, wading through the crowds at a costume shop. In the spirit of the holiday, we found some simple DIY costume ideas that you can make on a budget.


Be your own emoj
i: This can be done by yourself or with a group. You just use cut felt into the shape of the emoji that best represents you can iron or stick them onto a t-shirt. You’ll be the talk of the party, and nobody will even think about how little time and money you spent!


vampiresVampire: Between all the movies, books and TV shows about vampires, this costume is actually very much up for interpretation. You can go classic with the cape and thick accent, or you can delve into any pop culture reference to create your look. Vampires can be scary or normal looking or even just glittery. You don’t necessarily even need fangs.


Wheres-Waldo1Where’s Waldo: This one might be achievable using things you already own, depending on your opinion of stripes. All you need is a red and white striped shirt, a pair of jeans, fake glasses (or real if you need them), and a red and white cap. The best part is if you decided to avoid someone and they catch you, you can just pretend you were getting into character!



The possibilities are really endless, and with the internet at your fingertips, you can find so much more. For more ideas and tips, check out Pinterest, Buzzfeed or Popsugar!

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